Building Services
Building Services Engineers are involved with designing heating, air-conditioning, electric lighting and power, water and gas supply, plumbing and drainage systems. Fire safety and security systems, phones, faxes, intercoms, computers, lifts and escalators are all needed for a functional and safe work environment.
Process Control
Process Control Engineers are concerned with creating and maintaining computer software and systems designed to control the quantity and quality of a particular product when it is being manufactured. Computers are used in a chemical plant to control such things as pressure, temperature and liquid levels in a tank.
It is also important to ensure that the minimum amount of waste material is produced during manufacturing.
Civil Engineering
A Civil Engineer will work from an architect’s drawings and consider whether the chosen materials for a particular building will be strong enough to hold a structure of that height or design. At the same time they would also think about how the structure might affect its surroundings. It is the responsibility of the civil engineer to produce safe, economical and environmentally-sound structures.
Civil Engineers may specialize as chief civil engineers, construction engineers, municipal engineers, structural engineers, transport engineers, or water supply distribution engineers.
Civil and Public Health Engineers may work in the private sector as consulting engineers, project managers or construction contractors or in a wide range of government departments.
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering encompasses electronic, computer systems, telecommunications, control and electrical power engineering. It is concerned with the way electrical energy is produced and used in homes, the community and industry. Electrical Engineers design and build the systems and machines that generate, transmit, measure, control and use electrical energy essential to modern life.
Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering
Electronics Engineering deals with devices and systems that use small amounts of electrical energy to analyze, transmit and store information.
Transmission of these electronic signals forms the basis of communications and the information technology industry, and includes the field of microelectronics and the use of silicon chip technology.
Various systems for communication between people both nearby and on the other side of the world have been developed and are constantly being improved and refined. This communication takes place using satellite, telephone, optical fibers and computer systems.
These systems are of vital importance in everyday communication, defense, transport, civil aviation & medical equipment such as the bionic ear, pacemakers and life support systems.
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of human resources, materials, equipment and finance.
Industrial Engineering draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, physiological and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems and measure achievement.
Industrial Engineering is a science devoted to getting the best results from available resources, whilst still ensuring that the quality and expectations of the project are met.
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering turns energy into power and motion. Mechanical Engineers design, create and improve systems and machinery that is used for domestic, public and industrial purposes.
This area covers the design and manufacture of a great variety of products such as domestic appliances, industrial machinery, ships, aircraft, engines, pumps, compressors and turbines or complex systems such as the air-conditioning and ventilation systems of buildings. The mechanical area interlinks closely with other areas of engineering and applies knowledge of materials, energy and structures.
Mechanical Engineers often work for industry designing systems and machinery that generate power, make products, move things and help in building. They may also work in chemical processing, power generation, the automotive industry, and manufacturing, building services, the aeronautical industry, defense technology, food processing and public utilities.
Whether you own a home, hotel, office or other commercial space, we will provide you with the best solution for your requirements that will fully meet your needs. Customize your project. We are committed to providing you the best service, in the shortest time, with the highest quality.
Building Services
Building Services Engineers are involved with designing heating, air-conditioning, electric lighting and power, water and gas supply, plumbing and drainage systems. Fire safety and security systems, phones, faxes, intercoms, computers, lifts and escalators are all needed for a functional and safe work environment.
Process Control
Process Control Engineers are concerned with creating and maintaining computer software and systems designed to control the quantity and quality of a particular product when it is being manufactured. Computers are used in a chemical plant to control such things as pressure, temperature and liquid levels in a tank.
It is also important to ensure that the minimum amount of waste material is produced during manufacturing.
Civil Engineering
A Civil Engineer will work from an architect’s drawings and consider whether the chosen materials for a particular building will be strong enough to hold a structure of that height or design. At the same time they would also think about how the structure might affect its surroundings. It is the responsibility of the civil engineer to produce safe, economical and environmentally-sound structures.
Civil Engineers may specialize as chief civil engineers, construction engineers, municipal engineers, structural engineers, transport engineers, or water supply distribution engineers.
Civil and Public Health Engineers may work in the private sector as consulting engineers, project managers or construction contractors or in a wide range of government departments.
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering encompasses electronic, computer systems, telecommunications, control and electrical power engineering. It is concerned with the way electrical energy is produced and used in homes, the community and industry. Electrical Engineers design and build the systems and machines that generate, transmit, measure, control and use electrical energy essential to modern life.
Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering
Electronics Engineering deals with devices and systems that use small amounts of electrical energy to analyze, transmit and store information.
Transmission of these electronic signals forms the basis of communications and the information technology industry, and includes the field of microelectronics and the use of silicon chip technology.
Various systems for communication between people both nearby and on the other side of the world have been developed and are constantly being improved and refined. This communication takes place using satellite, telephone, optical fibers and computer systems.
These systems are of vital importance in everyday communication, defense, transport, civil aviation & medical equipment such as the bionic ear, pacemakers and life support systems.
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of human resources, materials, equipment and finance.
Industrial Engineering draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, physiological and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems and measure achievement.
Industrial Engineering is a science devoted to getting the best results from available resources, whilst still ensuring that the quality and expectations of the project are met.
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering turns energy into power and motion. Mechanical Engineers design, create and improve systems and machinery that is used for domestic, public and industrial purposes.
This area covers the design and manufacture of a great variety of products such as domestic appliances, industrial machinery, ships, aircraft, engines, pumps, compressors and turbines or complex systems such as the air-conditioning and ventilation systems of buildings. The mechanical area interlinks closely with other areas of engineering and applies knowledge of materials, energy and structures.
Mechanical Engineers often work for industry designing systems and machinery that generate power, make products, move things and help in building. They may also work in chemical processing, power generation, the automotive industry, and manufacturing, building services, the aeronautical industry, defense technology, food processing and public utilities.
Whether you own a home, hotel, office or other commercial space, we will provide you with the best solution for your requirements that will fully meet your needs. Customize your project. We are committed to providing you the best service, in the shortest time, with the highest quality.
Our Advantages
A natural microclimate that fits your home exactly.
High Quality
Enjoy the benefits of reliable solutions.
Energy efficiency
Reduce your electricity bills thanks to our eco-friendly solutions.
Absolute Credibility
a commitment to building relationships based on trust and openness with customers, colleagues, business partners, and communities.
Enterprising Management
a commitment to building the company through encouraging and rewarding the initiative and excellence of all employees.
Harmonious Personal Relations
a commitment to a workplace in which everyone works together with dedication to meet goals and challenges
A natural microclimate that fits your home exactly.
High Quality
Enjoy the benefits of reliable solutions.
Energy efficiency
Reduce your electricity bills thanks to our eco-friendly solutions.
Absolute Credibility
a commitment to building relationships based on trust and openness with customers, colleagues, business partners, and communities.
Enterprising Management
a commitment to building the company through encouraging and rewarding the initiative and excellence of all employees.
Harmonious Personal Relations
a commitment to a workplace in which everyone works together with dedication to meet goals and challenges