VRV IV C+ series

VRV IV C+ series

Designed for even the coldest regions

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High heating capacity

This VRV heat pump will keep your building and tenants warm even in the most extreme climates.

A hot gas bypass prevents ice build up and reduces the number of defrost cycles.

The vapour injection compressor with unqiue check valve ensures maximum capacity at all times thanks even at low load.

High seasonal efficiency

In order to offer high seasonal efficiency, also at partial load the compressor has a unique back-pressure control port. This ensures that at low load the movable scroll has enough pressure to prevent refrigerant leaks in the compressor, increasing efficiency also at load load.

On top of that our signature Variable Refrigerant Temperature control adjusts refrigerant temperature to prevent energy waste.

Truly efficient

Tested and measured with our most sold indoor units, you can be reassured that our VRV will perform in reality as on paper. Find out more about our efficient units on our free access website.

Complete HVAC solution for your building

Easily connectable to a selection of stylish indoor units, hot water hydro-boxes, Biddle air curtains and ventilation units, the VRV IV C+ series offers a complete solution for your building. It will create the perfect indoor climate with comfort thanks to the Daikin VRV IV features, such as the Variable Refrigerant Temperature.

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