Mobile wind protection for your business and your home VarioScreen – so that private life remains private. In addition to the standard screens, which are increasingly used by fire departments or shopping centers, we have developed a new product that extends the functions of the screens.
Business screen fence
Mobile wind shield for your home and business
In addition to the standard screen fences, increasingly used by the fire brigade or in shopping centres, we have developed a new product which enhances the functions of screen fences.
Whether for use in the business or private sector – some things are best enjoyed in private without the prying eyes of onlookers. Be it a private concert in front of selected audience, an exquisite buffet for paying guests or the undisturbed sunbath at the swimming pool at home – with the quickly erected screen fence VarioScreen you and your guests can enjoy yourselves while well shielded.
The VarioScreen consists of stable fibre glass rods and extremely durable polyester cloth. Light and compact when folded, the screen is erected in a matter of seconds and in a few steps. Thanks to the extra stable zip connections, the wind or privacy shield can be extended any number of times.
Whether on the construction site or for emergency services – you can also find all the relevant information about our work tents and privacy screens in the product brochure. Download the PDF directly here.

We promote your business with the best quality

The VarioScreen is delivered neatly folded in robust carry bags. Now it only needs to be put up and tautened – conceivably easy since the stable fibre glass rods are intelligently integrated in the screen’s side parts.

Owing to its flexibility the VarioScreen can be used for a multitude of different set-up arrangements. The stability is further increased by the additional fastening to rods.

Robust, hard-wearing and durable – this holds true for all VarioScreen elements. The high-quality polyester cloth is extremely durable, processed with great care in all details and easy to clean. The likewise easy to clean fibre glass rods are maintenance-free.

Furthermore, the screen fence can be fixed in place by use of the tent peg and rope set available as accessories. The VarioScreen can be disassembled and space-savingly stowed away just as quickly as it is erected.