DestinationCountry Code
Afghanistan (fix)93
Afghanistan (mob) - AWCC93
Afghanistan (mob) - Etisalat93
Afghanistan (mob) - MTN93
Afghanistan (mob) - Others93
Afghanistan (mob) - Roshan93
Albania (fix)355
Albania (mob) - AMC355
Albania (mob) - Eagle355
Albania (mob) - Plus355
Albania (mob) - Vodafone355
Algeria (fix)213
Algeria (fix) - Algiers213
Algeria (fix) - Cat213
Algeria (mob) - Algeriatel213
Algeria (mob) - OTA213
Algeria (mob) - Wataniya213
American Samoa1684
Andorra (fix)376
Andorra (mob)376
Angola (fix)244
Angola (mob)244
Antigua and Barbuda1268
Argentina (fix)54
Argentina (fix) - Buenos Aires54
Argentina (mob)54
Armenia (fix)374
Armenia (fix) - Erevan374
Armenia (fix) - Nagorny Karabakh374
Armenia (fix) - UCOM374
Armenia (fix) - geographical code374
Armenia (fix) - non - geographical code374
Armenia (mob) - Nagorny Karabakh374
Armenia (mob) - UCOM374
Armenia (mob) - VEON Armenia374
Armenia (mob) - VivaCell374
Aruba (fix)297
Aruba (mob)297
Australia (fix)61
Australia (fix) - Satellite&Premium61
Australia (mob)61
Australian Terr.672
Austria (fix)43
Austria (fix) - Vienna43
Austria (mob) - Hutchison 3G43
Austria (mob) - Mobilkom43
Austria (mob) - Others43
Austria (mob) - T-Mobile43
Austria (mob) - Telering43
Austria (mob) - personal numbers43
Azerbaijan (fix)994
Azerbaijan (fix) - Baku994
Azerbaijan (mob) - Azercell994
Azerbaijan (mob) - Azerfon994
Azerbaijan (mob) - Bakcell994
Azerbaijan (mob) - Others994
Bahrain (fix)973
Bahrain (mob) - Mena973
Bahrain (mob) - Others973
Bangladesh (fix)880
Bangladesh (fix) - Dhaka880
Bangladesh (mob) - Banglalink880
Bangladesh (mob) - Grameenphone880
Bangladesh (mob) - Others880
Belarus (fix)375
Belarus (fix) - Minsk375
Belarus (fix) - Premium375
Belarus (mob)375
Belgium (fix)32
Belgium (fix) - special services32
Belgium (mob) - Base32
Belgium (mob) - Mobistar32
Belgium (mob) - Others32
Belgium (mob) - Proximus32
Belgium (mob) - Telenet32
Belize (fix)501
Belize (mob)501
Benin (fix)229
Benin (mob)229
Bolivia (fix)591
Bolivia (mob)591
Bosnia and Herzegovina (fix)387
Bosnia and Herzegovina (mob)387
Botswana (fix)267
Botswana (mob)267
Brazil (fix)55
Brazil (mob)55
British Virgin Islands1284
Brunei (fix)673
Brunei (mob)673
Bulgaria (fix)359
Bulgaria (fix) - Sofia359
Bulgaria (fix) - special services359
Bulgaria (mob) - Globul359
Bulgaria (mob) - Mobiltel359
Bulgaria (mob) - Others359
Burkina Faso (fix)226
Burkina Faso (mob)226
Cambodia (fix)855
Cambodia (mob) - Metfone855
Cambodia (mob) - Others855
Cameroon (fix)237
Cameroon (fix) - special services237
Cameroon (mob)237
Canada (fix) - Northwestel1
Canada (mob) - Wind1
Cape Verde238
Cayman Islands1345
Central African Republic236
Chile (fix)56
Chile (fix) - Easter Island56
Chile (fix) - Rural56
Chile (mob)56
China (fix)86
China (mob)86
Colombia (fix)57
Colombia (fix) - cities57
Colombia (fix) - special services57
Colombia (mob)57
Congo Dem. Rep. (fix)243
Congo Dem. Rep. (fix) - Premium243
Congo Dem. Rep. (mob)243
Cook Islands682
Costa Rica (fix)506
Costa Rica (mob)506
Croatia (fix)385
Croatia (mob) - Others385
Croatia (mob) - VIP385
Cyprus (fix)357
Cyprus (fix) - NGN & Voicemail357
Cyprus (fix) - special services357
Cyprus (mob) - Cytamobile-Vodafone357
Cyprus (mob) - Others357
Czech Republic (fix)420
Czech Republic (fix) - Prague420
Czech Republic (fix) - special services420
Czech Republic (mob) - Eurotel420
Czech Republic (mob) - Mobilkom420
Czech Republic (mob) - T-Mobile420
Czech Republic (mob) - Travel420
Czech Republic (mob) - Vodafone420
Denmark (fix)45
Denmark (mob) - Others45
Denmark (mob) - Telenor45
Denmark (mob) - Telia45
Diego Garcia246
Dominican Republic1
East Timor670
Ecuador (fix)593
Ecuador (mob)593
Egypt (fix)20
Egypt (mob) - Etisalat20
Egypt (mob) - Others20
Egypt (mob) - Vodafone roaming20
El Salvador (fix)503
El Salvador (mob)503
Equatorial Guinea240
Estonia (fix)372
Estonia (fix) - Tallinn372
Estonia (mob) - EMT372
Estonia (mob) - Elisa372
Estonia (mob) - Others372
Estonia (mob) - Tele2372
Estonia (mob) - personal numbers372
Falkland Islands500
Faroe Islands (fix)298
Faroe Islands (mob)298
Finland (fix)358
Finland (fix) - Corporate358
Finland (fix) - Helsinki358
Finland (fix) - Premium358
Finland (mob) - Aaland Mobil358
Finland (mob) - Elisa358
Finland (mob) - Finnet358
Finland (mob) - Others358
Finland (mob) - Sonera358
Finland (mob) - Sonera roaming358
France (fix)33
France (fix) - Paris33
France (fix) - special services33
France (mob) - Bouygues33
France (mob) - Globalstar33
France (mob) - Orange33
France (mob) - Others33
France (mob) - SFR33
French Guayana (fix)594
French Guayana (mob)594
French Polynesia689
GMSS - Ellipso881
GMSS - Globalstar881
GMSS - Iridium881
Gabon (fix)241
Gabon (fix) - Premium241
Gabon (mob)241
Germany (fix)49
Germany (fix) - audiotext/premium49
Germany (mob) - E+49
Germany (mob) - O2 (E2)49
Germany (mob) - Others49
Germany (mob) - T-Mobile (D1)49
Germany (mob) - Vodafone (D2)49
Ghana (fix)233
Ghana (mob) - Others233
Ghana (mob) - Vodafone233
Gibraltar (fix)350
Gibraltar (mob)350
Global Mobile Satellite System881
Greece (fix)30
Greece (fix) - Athens30
Greece (fix) - special services30
Greece (mob) - CYTA30
Greece (mob) - Cosmote30
Greece (mob) - Vodafone30
Greece (mob) - Wind30
Guadeloupe (fix)590
Guadeloupe (mob)590
Guatemala (fix)502
Guatemala (mob)502
Guinea (fix)224
Guinea (mob)224
Guinea Bissau245
Haiti (fix)509
Haiti (mob)509
Honduras (fix)504
Honduras (mob)504
Hong Kong (fix)852
Hong Kong (mob)852
Hungary (fix)36
Hungary (fix) - Budapest36
Hungary (mob) - Pannon36
Hungary (mob) - Vodafone36
Hungary (mob) - Westel36
Iceland (fix)354
Iceland (mob)354
India (fix)91
India (fix) - New Delhi91
India (mob) - BSNL91
India (mob) - Others91
India (mob) - Uninor91
India (mob) - Vodafone91
Indonesia (fix)62
Indonesia (fix) - Jakarta62
Indonesia (mob)62
Inmarsat AOE871
Inmarsat AOE F/Mini-M/M4871
Inmarsat AOW874
Inmarsat BGAN870
Inmarsat IO873
Inmarsat PO872
Inmarsat PO F/Mini-M/M4872
Inmarsat SNAC870
Inmarsat SNAC B870
Inmarsat SNAC F/Mini-M/M4870
International Networks882
International Networks - AeroMobile882
International Networks - Cubio882
International Networks - DT's NGN882
International Networks - EMSAT882
International Networks - Global Networks882
International Networks - MCP882
International Networks - OnAir882
International Networks - Oration Technologies Network882
International Networks - Thuraya882
International Networks - Thuraya Vodafon Malta882
International Networks 883 - Global Networks MTT883
International Networks 883 - Others883
International Networks 883 - Telenor Connexion883
Iran (fix)98
Iran (mob)98
Iraq (fix)964
Iraq (fix) - Baghdad964
Iraq (mob)964
Ireland (fix)353
Ireland (fix) - Premium353
Ireland (mob) - Meteor353
Ireland (mob) - Others353
Israel (Palestine) (fix)972
Israel (Palestine) (mob)972
Israel (fix)972
Israel (mob)972
Italy (fix)39
Italy (mob) - Hutchison 3G39
Italy (mob) - Lycamobile39
Italy (mob) - Others39
Italy (mob) - Premium39
Italy (mob) - TIM39
Italy (mob) - Vodafone39
Italy (mob) - Wind39
Ivory Coast (fix)225
Ivory Coast (fix) - Premium225
Ivory Coast (mob)225
Jamaica (fix)1876
Jamaica (mob)1876
Japan (fix)81
Japan (fix) - IP81
Japan (fix) - Tokyo81
Japan (mob)81
Jordan (fix)962
Jordan (mob)962
Jordan (mob) - paging962
Kazakhstan (fix)77
Kazakhstan (fix) - Almaty77
Kazakhstan (fix) - Astana77
Kazakhstan (fix) - Karaganda77
Kazakhstan (fix) - Leased net77
Kazakhstan (mob) - Altel77
Kazakhstan (mob) - K-Cell77
Kazakhstan (mob) - KaR-Tel77
Kazakhstan (mob) - Tele277
Kenya (fix)254
Kenya (mob) - Others254
Kenya (mob) - Safaricom254
Korea North850
Korea North (fix) - special services850
Korea South (fix)82
Korea South (mob)82
Kosovo (fix)383
Kosovo (mob) - Vala383
Kosovo (mob) - Z-Mobile383
Kuwait (fix)965
Kuwait (mob)965
Kyrgyzstan (fix)996
Kyrgyzstan (fix) - Bishkek996
Kyrgyzstan (fix) - Bishkek premium996
Kyrgyzstan (mob) - MegaCom996
Kyrgyzstan (mob) - Nurtelekom996
Kyrgyzstan (mob) - Sem Mobile996
Kyrgyzstan (mob) - Sky Mobile996
Kyrgyzstan (mob) - Sotel996
Kyrgyzstan (mob) - Vinline996
Laos (mob) - MLL856
Latvia (fix)371
Latvia (fix) - Other371
Latvia (fix) - Premium371
Latvia (fix) - Riga371
Latvia (mob) - Bite371
Latvia (mob) - Camel371
Latvia (mob) - ECO371
Latvia (mob) - LMT371
Latvia (mob) - Master Telecom371
Latvia (mob) - Others371
Latvia (mob) - Sky371
Latvia (mob) - Tele2371
Latvia (mob) - Telecom Baltija371
Latvia (mob) - Telegrupa Baltija371
Lebanon (fix)961
Lebanon (mob)961
Lesotho (fix)266
Lesotho (mob)266
Liberia (fix)231
Liberia (mob)231
Libya (fix)218
Libya (mob)218
Liechtenstein (fix)423
Liechtenstein (fix) - Premium423
Liechtenstein (mob)423
Lithuania (fix)370
Lithuania (fix) - non GEO370
Lithuania (mob) - Bite370
Lithuania (mob) - Omnitel370
Lithuania (mob) - Others370
Lithuania (mob) - Tele2370
Lithuania (mob) - personal numbers370
Luxembourg (fix)352
Luxembourg (mob)352
Macedonia (fix)389
Macedonia (mob)389
Malaysia (fix)60
Malaysia (mob)60
Maldives (fix) - Premium960
Mali (fix)223
Mali (mob) - Malitel223
Mali (mob) - Orange223
Malta (fix)356
Malta (mob)356
Marshal Islands692
Martinique (fix)596
Martinique (mob)596
Mayotte Islands (fix)262
Mayotte Islands (mob)262
Mexico (fix)52
Mexico (mob)52
Mexico City (fix)52
Moldova (fix)373
Moldova (fix) - OLO373
Moldova (fix) - Premium373
Moldova (fix) - Pridnestrovje373
Moldova (mob) - Eventis373
Moldova (mob) - Moldcell373
Moldova (mob) - Moldtelecom373
Moldova (mob) - Orange373
Moldova (mob) - Pridnestrovje373
Monaco (fix)377
Monaco (mob) - KFOR377
Monaco (mob) - Others377
Mongolia (fix)976
Mongolia (mob)976
Montenegro (fix)382
Montenegro (mob) - Others382
Montenegro (mob) - T-Mobile382
Montenegro (mob) - Telenor382
Morocco (fix)212
Morocco (fix) - Alternative Network212
Morocco (mob)212
Namibia (fix)264
Namibia (mob) - Leo264
Namibia (mob) - Others264
Netherlands (fix)31
Netherlands (fix) - Premium31
Netherlands (mob) - Callmax Paging31
Netherlands (mob) - KPN31
Netherlands (mob) - Lycamobile31
Netherlands (mob) - O2 (Telfort)31
Netherlands (mob) - Orange31
Netherlands (mob) - Others31
Netherlands (mob) - Premium31
Netherlands (mob) - T-Mobile31
Netherlands (mob) - Tele231
Netherlands (mob) - Vodafone31
Netherlands Antilles (fix)599
Netherlands Antilles (mob)599
New Caledonia687
New Zealand (fix)64
New Zealand (mob)64
Nicaragua (fix)505
Nicaragua (mob)505
Nigeria (fix)234
Nigeria (fix) - Premium234
Nigeria (mob) - Etisalat234
Nigeria (mob) - Globacom234
Nigeria (mob) - MTN234
Nigeria (mob) - Others234
Niue Islands683
Norfolk Islands672
Norway (fix)47
Norway (fix) - Premium47
Norway (mob) - Netcom47
Norway (mob) - Others47
Norway (mob) - Tele247
Norway (mob) - Telenor47
Oman (fix)968
Oman (mob)968
Pakistan (fix)92
Pakistan (fix) - Karachi92
Pakistan (mob) - Jazz92
Pakistan (mob) - Others92
Pakistan (mob) - Telenor92
Pakistan (mob) - Ufone92
Palestine (fix)970
Palestine (mob)970
Panama (fix)507
Panama (mob)507
Papua New Guinea675
Paraguay (fix)595
Paraguay (mob)595
Peru (fix)51
Peru (fix) - Lima51
Peru (fix) - Rural51
Peru (mob)51
Philippines (fix)63
Philippines (mob) - Others63
Philippines (mob) - Smart63
Poland (fix)48
Poland (fix) - Premium48
Poland (fix) - Warsaw48
Poland (mob) - Era48
Poland (mob) - Orange48
Poland (mob) - Others48
Poland (mob) - Plus48
Poland (mob) - Premium48
Portugal (fix)351
Portugal (mob) - Others351
Portugal (mob) - Vodafone351
Puerto Rico1
Qatar (fix)974
Qatar (mob)974
Reunion (fix)262
Reunion (mob)262
Romania (fix)40
Romania (fix) - Alternative Network40
Romania (fix) - Bucharest40
Romania (mob) - Cosmote40
Romania (mob) - Orange40
Romania (mob) - Others40
Romania (mob) - Telemobil40
Romania (mob) - Vodafone40
Russia (fix) - ASVT7
Russia (fix) - Moscow7
Russia (fix) - Others7
Russia (fix) - S-Peterburg7
Russia (fix) 17
Russia (fix) 27
Russia (fix) 37
Russia (mob) - Beeline7
Russia (mob) - MTS7
Russia (mob) - Megafon7
Russia (mob) - Others7
Russia (mob) - Satellite networks7
Russia (mob) - Satellite networks Iridium7
Russia (mob) - Satellite networks Morsvjazsputnik7
Russia (mob) - Satellite networks OMS7
Russia (mob) - TELE27
Rwanda (fix)250
Rwanda (mob)250
Saint Helena290
Saint Kitts and Nevis1869
Saint Lucia1758
Saint Pierre and Miquelon508
Saint Vincent and Grenadines1784
Samoa West685
San Marino (fix)378
San Marino (fix) - Premium378
San Marino (mob)378
Sao Tome and Principe239
Saudi Arabia (fix)966
Saudi Arabia (mob)966
Saudi Arabia (mob) - Mobily966
Saudi Arabia (mob) - STC966
Saudi Arabia (mob) - Zain966
Senegal (fix)221
Senegal (mob) - Others221
Senegal (mob) - Tigo221
Serbia (fix)381
Serbia (fix) - Belgrade381
Serbia (fix) - Orion381
Serbia (fix) - Premium381
Serbia (mob) - Others381
Serbia (mob) - Telenor381
Seychelles Islands248
Seychelles Islands (fix) - Premium248
Sierra Leone232
Singapore (fix)65
Singapore (mob)65
Sint Maarten1721
Slovakia (fix)421
Slovakia (mob) - O2421
Slovakia (mob) - Orange421
Slovakia (mob) - SWAN421
Slovakia (mob) - T-Mobile421
Slovenia (fix)386
Slovenia (fix) - Alternative Network386
Slovenia (mob) - IPKO386
Slovenia (mob) - Others386
Solomon Islands677
Somalia Dem. Rep.252
South Africa (fix)27
South Africa (mob) - Cell C27
South Africa (mob) - MTN27
South Africa (mob) - Others27
South Ossetia (fix)7
South Ossetia (mob) - Ostelecom7
South Sudan211
Spain (fix)34
Spain (fix) - Premium34
Spain (mob) - Orange34
Spain (mob) - Others34
Spain (mob) - Telefonica Moviles34
Spain (mob) - Vodafone34
Spain (mob) - Xfera34
Sri Lanka (fix)94
Sri Lanka (mob)94
Sweden (fix)46
Sweden (mob) - Comviq46
Sweden (mob) - Hi3G46
Sweden (mob) - Others46
Sweden (mob) - Telenor46
Sweden (mob) - Telia46
Sweden (mob) - paging46
Switzerland (fix)41
Switzerland (fix) - Premium41
Switzerland (mob) - Orange41
Switzerland (mob) - Others41
Switzerland (mob) - Sunrise41
Switzerland (mob) - Swisscom41
Syrian Arab Republic (fix)41
Syrian Arab Republic (mob)963
Taiwan (fix)886
Taiwan (mob)886
Tajikistan (fix)992
Tajikistan (fix) - Dushanbe992
Tajikistan (fix) - Leased net992
Tajikistan (mob) - Babilon992
Tajikistan (mob) - Others992
Tajikistan (mob) - TK Mobile992
Tajikistan (mob) - TT-Mobile992
Tajikistan (mob) - Takom992
Tajikistan (mob) - Tcell992
Tajikistan (mob) - TojikTel992
Tanzania (fix)255
Tanzania (fix) - Premium255
Tanzania (mob)255
Thailand (fix)66
Thailand (fix) - Bangkok66
Thailand (mob) - AIS66
Thailand (mob) - DTAC66
Thailand (mob) - Others66
Togo (fix)228
Togo (mob)228
Trinidad and Tobago (fix)1868
Trinidad and Tobago (mob)1868
Tunisia (fix)216
Tunisia (mob) - Ooredoo216
Tunisia (mob) - Orange216
Tunisia (mob) - Tunisie Telecom216
Turkey (fix)90
Turkey (fix) - North Cyprus90
Turkey (fix) - Services 44490
Turkey (fix) - TT Directory Service90
Turkey (mob) - Avea90
Turkey (mob) - Globalstar90
Turkey (mob) - Telsim North Cyprus90
Turkey (mob) - Turkcell90
Turkey (mob) - Turkcell North Cyprus90
Turkey (mob) - Vodafone90
Turkmenistan (fix)993
Turkmenistan (mob)993
Turks and Caicos1649
US - Alaska1
US - Hawaii1
US Virgin Islands1340
USA (fix) - premium1
Uganda (fix)256
Uganda (fix) - Premium256
Uganda (mob)256
Ukraine (fix)380
Ukraine (fix) - Kiev380
Ukraine (mob) - Intertelecom380
Ukraine (mob) - Kyivstar380
Ukraine (mob) - Lifecell380
Ukraine (mob) - Telesystems380
Ukraine (mob) - Ukrtelecom380
Ukraine (mob) - Ukrtelecom PRS380
Ukraine (mob) - Vodafone380
United Arab Emirates (fix)971
United Arab Emirates (mob) - DU971
United Arab Emirates (mob) - Etisalat971
United Kingdom (fix)44
United Kingdom (fix) - IFS44
United Kingdom (fix) - London44
United Kingdom (fix) - Other44
United Kingdom (fix) - special services44
United Kingdom (mob) - Guernsey44
United Kingdom (mob) - Hutchison 3G44
United Kingdom (mob) - Jersey Airtel44
United Kingdom (mob) - Lycamobile44
United Kingdom (mob) - O244
United Kingdom (mob) - Orange44
United Kingdom (mob) - Others44
United Kingdom (mob) - T-Mobile44
United Kingdom (mob) - Vodafone44
United Kingdom (mob) - paging44
United Kingdom (mob) - personal numbers44
Uruguay (fix)598
Uruguay (mob)598
Uzbekistan (fix)998
Uzbekistan (fix) - Tashkent998
Uzbekistan (mob) - Coscom998
Uzbekistan (mob) - Others998
Uzbekistan (mob) - UMS998
Uzbekistan (mob) - Unitel998
Venezuela (fix)58
Venezuela (fix) - Caracas58
Venezuela (mob)58
Vietnam (fix)84
Vietnam (fix) - Hanoi84
Vietnam (fix) - Ho Chi Minh84
Vietnam (mob) - Others84
Vietnam (mob) - Viettel84
Wallis and Fortuna681
Yemen Arab Republic (fix)967
Yemen Arab Republic (mob) - MTN967
Yemen Arab Republic (mob) - Others967
Zimbabwe (fix)263
Zimbabwe (mob) - Others263
Zimbabwe (mob) - Telecel263