Our customers have generated huge energy savings by adding a Flexibox free cooling solution to a traditional air conditioner — see if it is possible in your region too. The documents below show savings as annually calculated savings and are related to the desired room temperature.
The savings calculation compares use of an air conditioner as single cooling source in a shelter with a combination of Flexibox Free Cooling and an air conditioner. The preconditions for the calculation are an insulation «K-value» of 2 W/m2xΔt and a shelter size of HxWxL (2,8 x 3 x 3 m). Each calculation is generated from average temperature data of 10-15 years and extracted from weather databases.
Displayed information and subsequent cost saving calculations are estimates only. Each application is different and actual results will vary. All testing and verification of actual performance and cost savings are the responsibility of the customer.